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Well, the Dragonfire mugs for Dragonfire14 did get made. The 50 mugs cost us a total of R 1065.24 and we sold them for R25 each. Two mugs are being sent to SteveJacksonGames and Chaosium? as a token of our appreciation. If you're interested in what the actual mugs look like you can find pictures of people holding them on the Dragonfire14 website,

ElfBoy is in the process of getting quotes for Dragonfire Fourteen mugs.

The mugs seem likely to cost about R20 each and we'll have to place a minimum order of 100 mugs.
This means me might need some people to pre-order mugs so that we can pay for them to be made. We also need to decide if we'll manage to sell 100 mugs.

The two sample designs I've emailed off for quoting purposes are:

Sample 1:

Sample 2:

Which mug sample do you prefer? Would you like black or white mugs? How many mugs would you buy?
Would you pre-order?

GnomeThing: There look like three spot colours in the design (white blue and greenish), think it should probably be reduced to two (cheaper).

ElfBoy: I've just found a place called Oude Kaap Pottery who have a 50 mug minimum. This should help a lot. Hopefully they will phone me back today.

ElfBoy: The Oude Kaap people have gotten back to me. Mugs with three spot colours will cost us roughly R16 each. I've sent them
the samples to look at and should hear from them tomorrow (the 4th of July).


ElfBoy prefers black mugs and thinks possible mug two is way cool. He would pre-order at least two mugs.
GnomeThing prefers black. Would pre-order three depending on price. Would spend up to R50 on the mugs.

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Page last modified on 15 January 2024, at 02:04 PM UTC