Dragonfire2010.Raffles History
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Changed line 6 from:
* 2 tickets are awarded to DMs
* 2 tickets are awarded to [=DMs=]
Added lines 13-14:
The raffle will be held on Monday evening after the completion of Bedtime Story
Added lines 1-13:
From the booming success of the raffles last year, this year follows with a more subdued raffle system.
The raffle tickets will not be available for purchase, however you will be given tickets based on participation:
* 3 tickets are awarded to module and LARP writers
* 2 tickets are awarded to DMs
* 1 ticket is awarded for playing in either a module or LARP
We have some great prizes in the form of:
* Splat books from the ever faithful Chaosium
* Vouchers from that awesome store...Outer Limits!