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And the bell tolls for ...

Well, well, well, the grim reaper waits for no one. Today was one of murder and mayhem, though certain people dominated the lists.

11:27 The first shots ring out ...

Poor Johann. A new resident of Cape Town, all naive and innocent. He never suspected that when Sean Finniss started talking to him that nefarious plans were afoot. The next time he saw Sean was just before Sean's gun blazed and a big red mark appeared next to the Engineering elevator. Tours can be provided.

11:50 Never trust the man next to you

You'd think your friends trustworthy but it is not so. You'd think a friend in all your lectures trustworthy but not so. Supposedly Graham Hunter only realised these facts, the backbone of KAOS, when Roger began stabbing him multiple times in the chest. We shall miss his poor, misbegotten beliefs.

12:53 Rule 1 : Never let your guard down

It's common to run into a friend on Jammie steps. Normally you stop, start chatting, catch up on current events, and relax a little. Nothing to worry about of course. Not even during KAOS. Not even when a little bastard like Jansen is casually approaching to knife you under the ribs. Graham Poulter violated rule 1.

13:05 To register or not to register

Conversations about whether you've registered your weapons, what you've registered and your plans for using them are normal during KAOS. Usually however, they're done within safe areas. Don't have them outside these areas or with someone who's just poisoned their knife. Rolf, I hope those convulsions end soon, but I think unfortunately the last one broke your spine. Anyone want to take revenge on Roger?

13:43 Rule 2 : Never let your guard down

And the first major casaulty of the day. Having just spent the last 5 minutes searching for his bag, Brendan could finally relax and talk with his friend who had taken it. Without his back to a wall! Alex took advantage of this sudden calm to register his first official kill ever. The Russians are now vunerable for the next 24 hours. Sombody kill that little dwarfish bear.

15:50 Almost home free

Nic believed he was safe. Walking back to his car, next to the marshal, late in the day, with another enforcer next to him. He didn't count on David Sharpe and his fighting fists of doom! It is always intresting to watch a fight in action.

15:50 Never in front of another ...

Unfortunatly for Dave, he forgot about Sean Finniss and his gun. Whilst he was assassinating Nic, Sean took the opportunity and put a cap in his ass. So many kredits, so little effort.

And the second day cometh ...

A very slow day was ramped up when a quick spate of killing served to remind everyone that KAOS was still running.

11:45 Walk by

Gwen's lack of paranoia served to allow an opportunistic Conrad to do his impression of a drive by shooting. Considered a rightous bastard by most, Conrad seems to be always ready for a spot of shit causing.

12:03 Stairs can be deadly

On his way to get a snack before his next lecture, Roger made the mistake of turning his back on Alex for a brief second. This is all Alex needed to put a little bullet into the unsuspecting newbie.

12:55 Double Cross

What do you do when you realise that rendezvous you're being led to is an ambush? You take evasive action. Sean Louw's deal with the Arabs to rid the world of Piotr backfired when Piotr slipped a knife between Sean's shoulder blades and promptly avoided the meeting. The first special is down!

14:30 A new lead enforcer does his job

Simon Cross, having readily accepted the position as new lead enforcer of the Russians promptly cemented his position during a fire fight with Kerry on Jammie steps. Despite the problems of having to shoot uphill and with a wildly erratic gun, Simon was able to come out tops.

The Families begin to amass their fortune ...

The drug/gun/whatever runs were added to Kaos this year as a way to increase player turnover. It seems to have worked. The day was mainly dominated with the two runs that occurred, but also led to some beautiful kills.

10:02 And another one bites the dust

Mike's belief that having killed the special targets last year, meant that he could prove to survive as one this year, was brought to a crashing halt. All the warning he had was the sound of some scampering feet and a gush of water hitting him as he turned around. Alex struck and claimed Mike's conned kredits for himself.

10:35 1st time : Warning, 2nd time : You're dead

Alex, having bent the rules to as close to breaking point as possible, was warned that where he had been standing was outside the safe zone. Ignoring the marshal he went and stood in the same place. Tai took this opportunity and garroted Alex from behind. The ghost of a very unhappy Alex can be heard bemoaning the position of boundaries.

13:02 The crowds 1

The crowds on the plaza were the perfect place to hide, as Marc found out. Using them as cover he successfully killed Sean Finniss, who was waiting patiently for the Italian run to come past him.

13:25 The crowds 2

Piotr, having just finished walking Andrea down as protection was Marc's second kill as he slipped quietly out of the guns, shot him and then slipped quietly away again. A master of camouflage seems to be emerging.

13:43 Long lost

The elusive Ezra, who barely showed his face, was intercepted by an opportunistic Tai and shot in the back of the head. Even those who seem well-hidden are not safe.

14:50 A struggling family

Michelle, head of the Italians, died at the hands of Simon. In an attempt tp kill Erica, Simon erroneously shot poor Michelle as she turned around. It shows how even a struggling family can take out its stronger opponents. Unfortunatly, Simon is now outlawed.

18:04 Double Kill

Marc and Jansen of the Triad died in a masterfully executed double assassination by Jayshree and Oana of the Mafia. Having just begun to tuck into their KKS pizzas in the Fuller dining hall, Marc and Jannie at their separate tables were blissfully unaware of the prior plotting - until suddenly at t-zero Jayshree's gun rearranged Jannie's face and Oana's left splatters across the back of Marc's shirt. After the initial shock, their fellow diners decided the meal was too good be spoilt by a couple of measly shootings, and went on as before, leaving the corpses where they were.—eyewitness account divined from the ghost of Graham Poulter.

Everything starts to fall apart

Well, up till now, all the families were still around. However, it all went south today. The Triads imploded, the Russians gave up, and their isn't a single head of family still alive. So much for a calm day.

11:55 Attempted Reprieve

Simon stupidly outlawed himself yesterday and in an attempt to reclaim his honour, decided to finally dispatch Erica. His first attempt was foiled when he forgot that Sean was dead and tried to kill him first. Erica susequently ran to a safe zone and waited. Eventually, though, she had to leave. This gave Simon the perfect opportunity and he finished her off with a quick shot to the head. Well done on finally getting your mark.

12:00 Finally

Adam, who had been stalking Richard for days, finally got his chance in the food court. Unfortunately for him, the ghost of Alex Karpul decided to warn the intended victim. A long chase through the streets of varsity eventually led to Adam standing victorius above Richard's bullet-ridden body.

12:23 The unknown Arab strikes

Here began a surprising 20 minute killing spree by Moriki. With her head of family dead, she decided to attempt to destroy her enemies. First was poor Kieta as she walked up the stairs, right into Moriki and her pistol. Second to die was Simon, innocently sitting outside and unaware of Moriki's involvement in the game. Finally, Moriki had the honour of bringing down the first house by killing Cassandra, just before she was able to complete her drug run. She died in honour.

13:25 It all comes tumbling down

As the last member alive, Andrea decided that paranoia was not going to rule her life. This led to her innocently walking out of the safe zone and allowing Marc to walk up behind her and kill her. May you be remembered long and well, little one.

18:04 First 2nd-Round Death

Having settled into dinner conversation with the same people he had been talking to on the eve of his first death, Graham was unaware of the approaching Richard Speirs until he said "Graham, are you still alive? Well not any more! Muhahaha..." and promptly slipped a knife into his back. Richard claims he had almost failed a 4-hour prac that afternoon and needed something to cheer him up. Nothing like violently stabbing someone in the back to brighten up your day.—the doubly dead and unhappy ghost of Graham Poulter

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Page last modified on 01 January 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC