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KAOS Rules for 2003

You've all heard my ideas for next year's KAOS. You've all made suggestions to me as well. Well, here is the first draft for the rules and I hope they make some damn sense. If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback, dump it on the Feedback? site and I'll get to it eventually.


Anything that would constitute a kill in real life constitutes a kill in KAOS. Without the blood of course. A sanctioned weapon must be used to either slit a throat, commit multiple stabbing, shoot a victim, blow them up or let them die horribly of poisoning. Unless a weapon is poisoned, a kill is not made when cutting a hand or leg.
You cannot kill yourself!!!!!! Unless you are using a bomb.


Plastic knives, water pistols, super soakers, water balloons, flour bombs, non-staining paint bullets, cell hones or other items that could constitute bombs, any non-lethal substance that can constitute a poison and anything else a marshal deems admissible are considered to be valid weapons.
Before a weapon may be used, a license for the weapon must be bought from a marshal. If you use a weapon without a license, the kill will be declared null and void and you will be put on outlaw status. You do not want this.

Wounds, Medical Treatment and Kills

If you are wounded during a fight, it is requested that you act as if you've been wounded. For example, if you've been stabbed in the hand or arm, act as if you cannot use that hand for anything. Same with legs.
You will carry the wound for a max of 24 hours, at which point you will be judged to have healed. This does not apply to gut shots or the removal of the unmentionables. This requires medical treatment. You can also receive medical treatment for any other wounds. After being wounded, a player may go to a marshal for medical attention. This will constitute a cost of a few credits and a max of 1 hour of sanctuary. This means that no one will be able to kill you during this time, since you will be in hospital. After this time, you will be able to return to the game.
When you are killed, make it dramatic. The more dramatic, the better. This will attract other players to the scene as well as making it more fun for everyone.

Safe Areas

Here follows a list of safe areas, who may use them and what sort of kills, if any, may occur in them.

  • Lectures, tutorials, practicals and tests, opposite sex bathrooms

No kills are allowed to take place in the venues of these events. A player is also safe from the moment he or she enters the building, as long as it is within five minutes of the event, wherein the event is taking place and until 15 minutes after the event is scheduled to conclude or they leave the building, whichever occurs first.

  • 5 metres around all safe areas

Any rule that applies to a safe area applies for 5 metres outside of the safe area. This allows the player time to gauge the situation before exiting.

  • Libraries and Computer Labs

The only kills allowed in these areas are those involving silent and non-damaging weapons. This means poisons and knives. Anyone using any other weaponry will be immediately put on outlaw status and reported to the authorities if any damages have been caused. Unless extenuating circumstances apply, a player must leave the protection of this safe zone every 30 minutes for a period of not less than 15 minutes and spend this time in non-safe areas.

  • Family Safe Areas

Each family has a particular safe area. The only kills allowed in these safe areas are by poisoning. Only family members or players given protection by the head of the family or lead enforcer or players seeking assistance from a marshal may use these safe zones. Anyone else caught in these safe zones is fair game. A player may not spend more than 30 minutes in one of these safe zones. At the end of this period they must spend 15 minutes outside of all safe zones.

  • The Neutral Zone

This will be an area designated by the head marshal in which all players may come seek assistance or safety. No kills of any sort may be committed in this area. A player may not spend more than 30 minutes in the neutral zone. At the end of this period they must spend 15 minutes outside of all safe zones.

  • The Area Where You Live

Right now, if you don't know what this rule entails, come talk to me. You should have been at briefings.

* Late Rule Change*

Other than in lectures, tuts, pracs, or tests, mail bombs may be used to kill a person. After much debate, it has been decided that these constitute passive weapons and it's your own bloody fault if you open it.


There will be a minimum of 5 marshal. They are the final arbiters for any decision. Players may go to them to obtain licenses, information and decisions on valid kills. These are also the people to whom all kills must be reported within 2 hours. The marshals will be the head of each family as well as one neutral marshal.


The players will be split into two different groups, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. These two groups will be known as enforcers and hired guns. Enforcers will work for a particular family, while hired guns will work on their own. Players must also spend a minimum of four hours everyday on upper campus.

  • Hired Guns

Small time players, hired guns seem to have few advantages going for them. But the simple fact that they do not have any family ties means that they are not under the same stresses as the enforcers. Hired guns start with a knife and 1 credit to their name. They are allowed to walk around in whatever they feel like and do not have to conform to any dress code. They will receive two credits for every kill they make and will be able to buy weaponry and information at normal costs. At the beginning of the first day, they will receive a list of two names. These will be their targets, one hired gun and one enforcer. After killing their target hired gun, the player is given that player's target list and must kill the people on that list as well as those on his own. The biggest disadvantage here is that you can't trust anyone and will never know who exactly is after you.

  • Enforcers

Each enforcer will be randomly assigned to a family at the beginning of the game. Their job is to carry out the orders of that family. All enforcers must wear smart clothing on campus every day. This constitutes long pants, a collared shirt and a tie. Enforcers start off with a gun and two credits and get paid a credit a day by their family. Any kills they make earn them a credit. Their target list will be put up on the Wiki and may be retreived from there. The job of an enforcer is to protect the head of their family at all costs. The biggest advantage here is that you can work together with other members of your family to execute a kill and know a few of those you can trust.


By now you all want to know what families are. Well, here's the info. I've borrowed bits and pieces from last year's rules and decided to make this slightly more interesting.
There will be four families, the Italians, the Russians, the Yakuza and the Arabs. A marshal, who will be considered the head of the family, will oversee each family. This person will have all the power of a normal marshal except that they can be killed. Furthermore, each family will have lead a lead enforcer who will be responsible for guarding the head of the family and for co-ordinating all operations. Each family will have a target rival family. Their main aim, along with the killing of all those on their hit list, will be the removal of this family. After removing the family from the game, they will move on to the next family, until there is only one family standing. If a family is dissolved, all enforcers loyal to that family that are still alive will become outlaws. Their aim will be vengeance.


Every game has goals and this one is no different There are two ways to end the game. One is for there to be only one family left and the other is for total chaos to reign and none of the families are left alive. Regardless, the game will run until Friday at the very least, continuing until the very next midday after only one family is left alive if there is more than one left on Friday.
There is only one way to remove a family from the game and that is to kill both the head of the family and the lead enforcer within the space of 24 hours. If the head of the family is killed, the lead enforcer may take over this position after 24 hours, maintaining all their original abilities, and may appoint a new lead enforcer. During this time, the family loses all privileges and safe areas specific to them and only regain their safe area at the end of it. If the lead enforcer is killed, the head of the family may appoint a new one after 24 hours.


Outlaws are the scum of the earth. These are players who have either broken the rules or through some other way brought themselves to the attention of the head marshal. The following are criteria for being declared an outlaw:

  • Killing a player who is not one of your targets or is not threatening you or your family. A player may kill another player if they see them committing a kill or brandishing a weapon outside of a safe area without being made an outlaw. This holds until the player returns to a safe area.
  • Killing 5 players or a total of 8 civilians and players, minimum of 3 civilians, in one day will earn you the title of a serial killer and will earn you outlaw status. This status will only be applied 2 hours after your final kill.
  • Being an idiot and getting on the marshal's bad side will result in outlaw status as well.
  • Killing by any means than stipulated in the rules in safe areas or using an unlicensed weapon will also result in outlaw status.

Drug Runs

  • Families are required to make one equipment/booze/illegal items run across campus during the week. Anyone can hijack the shipment and sell it at the end point. It will consist of two bags that need to be got from point A to point B. And trust me, you'll know if it's happening.
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Page last modified on 01 January 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC